Ladies that UX Berlin #17: Portfolio Night!


Excited to announce our Ladies that UX Berlin May meetup where we will discuss UX Portfolios!

Is your portfolio in need of a refresh or are you wondering what to put in it? Is your CV up-to-date? Join us for an in-depth discussion with Olga Madejska who works as Amazon Web Services Design System UX Lead about building a designer CV and portfolio.
Also Ladies who are confident in reviewing portfolios are more than welcome as we will offer some Folio Quick checks on demand after the talk!

Massive thanks to SinnerSchrader Swipe GmbH who will host us this month!

Ladies that UX Berlin, Tuesday, May 22, 2017; 6:30-9:00PM.
This month’s event will be hosted by SinnerSchrader Swipe. The location is Friedenstraße 91a, 10249 Berlin (Friedrichshain)

Please make sure to RSVP here:

Are you passionate about a special UX / Design topic? Why not give a short talk on that one of our next events? It’s a great place to get started and train your speaking skills ia a very welcoming environment!
If so or if you would be interested in hosting one of our upcoming events please make sure to reach out! :)

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