Good „UX“ = bringing delight

Well, maybe I’m a little bit late to this 2014 party – but hell yes, look at this! Imagine you are in the dressing room/cabin of a clothing store and something does not fit and you want to try different sizes – leaving half naked or desperately shouting from behind the curtain is no longer a thing with this mirror! You can even order drinks while celebrating your private little shopping experience! Awesome!
This company has clearly understood what it means to bring delight to your customers and so build and grow customer loyalty and to set yourself apart from your competitors.

Also, this tweet:

“The #HCI #research community still focuses on #usability rather than adding #UX measures of delight, satisfaction, engagement.” Prof. Marc Hassenzahl, University of Siegen, Germany, at #IsraHCI 2018.

— Shuli Gilutz, Ph.D. (@ShuliGilutz) January 4, 2018