I am delighted to announce our next (and this years last) Ladies that UX Berlin meetup. This time we will have an often overlooked but very important topic in the fields of User Experience – namely that UX is a team sport, literally.
Ladies that UX Berlin, Tuesday, December 12, 2017; 6:30-9:30PM.
This month’s event will be hosted by zalando. The location is: The Hub / zalando HQ, Tamara-Danz-Straße 1, 10243, Berlin. You can easily get there either via U Schlesisches Tor or S or U Warschauer Strasse.
Hertje Brodersen is a Freelance Experience Strategist and she will talk about Teamwork Anti-patterns and why not starting by optimizing our teams when we want to optimize our services, and Ayse Naz Pelen, who works as a digital product designer at zalando will discuss the question if and how design can help in shaping team culture.
Please RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/LTUX-Berlin/events/245557699/
Important note: RSVP registration on meetup.com will close 26 hours before the event (one Dec 11, 4PM). To get in, it is necessary that you rsvp’d for the event via meetup.com and then, for the event itself please bring your ID – you will then receive a wristband to get in! Thanks!
Please let us know if you r.s.v.p’d but can no longer make it. Our events usually fill up quickly and we then keep a waiting list. Thank you!
Are you passionate about a special UX / Design topic? Why not give a short talk on that one of our next years events? It’s a great place to get started and train your speaking skills ia a very welcoming environment! If so or if would be interested in hosting one of our upcoming events please make sure to reach out