October edition of Ladies that UX Berlin is coming along!

Ladies that  UX Berlin October 2017
Our next Ladies that UX Berlin meetup will be Tuesday October 24 hosted by Mozilla Berlin. The location is GSG-Hof Schlesische Straße 27, 10997 Berlin; Gebäude 3, 4.OG – There will also be some signs in the courtyard and staircase. Event opens doors at 6:45 and there will be two talks this time: One by Marja Annecke (SinnerSchrader Swipe) – she will be talking about CX & Branding and one by Sabrina Mach (ThoughtWorks) about how to use acting techniques to understand & predict human behavior.

A big thank you to Mozilla Berlin for hosting and sponsoring this month’s event.

Make sure to RSVP here, if you are close by! See you there!

Contact me if you have a topic you’re passionate about and would like to present at an upcoming event or would be interested in hosting one of our upcoming events

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