Things to watch, read, attend or listen to #02


The magic of microcopy: Words on a screen can never take the place of a real conversation, but good microcopy can show that real people created your product.

No access to real user groups? A list apart gives some great suggestions on how to do you do user research when you can’t get direct access to your users.

Focus on Quality Subscribers, Not QuantityThe Conversion Rate Illusion of Modal Newsletter Forms

„The real hard work for any design thinking process is the people part“ a great article about how to get practical results from design thinking

Stark is a color-blind simulator & contrast checker plugin for sketchapp. Check your designs directly in Sketch, because accessibility matters.

Women Who Design is a Twitter profile directory of inspiring women in the design industry created by Jules Forrest

A hackerspace for women in BerlinThe Heart of Code – has finally launched.

And last but not least: Our lovely Ladies that UX Berlin community is always looking for speakers! We’re a friendly community of women who are working or who are interested in the fields of user experience. It’s also a perfect place to train or sharpen your speaking skills. So, if you have something to share or just want to say hi ping me or send an email to our Berlin group if you are interested!

Image credit: The pigeon above illustrates exactly how I feel this week. Awesome work by Thoka Maer

Next weeks hashtag: #serenity

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