Yay, internet. Things to watch, read, attend or listen to #01


„You are the Alfred to Batman and not the other way around“: 6 storytelling principles to improve your UX

How do I convince people in my organization to take user experience seriously? I’ve tried giving brown-bag sessions on the importance of UX, but nothing has happened. A Proven Method For Showing The Value Of Good UX

I’m a woman in tech, and this is what I want in a company

„We talk about empathy all the time but its kind of a bullshitty word […] what we need is inclusion, we need to include people, not feel for them“ So true. UX Podcast #159 Politics or design? with Mike Monteiro

Berlin meetups to visit: A post-UX Camp Europe Satellite event brings the author Ian Fenn to this live discussion of his „Designing a UX Portfolio“ book. I’m really looking forward to this! RSVP to attend here

♥ The gif above comes from Cindy Suen. I think she is my new favorite illustrator.

I decided I while ago, that I will have a hashtag for each week to focus on, so my hashtag for the next week will be #listen

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